Services details

Strategy for the Brand Design

Brand design is the process of creating a visual identity that represents a company, product, service, or individual in the marketplace. It goes beyond just a logo and encompasses various visual elements and design principles that convey the essence, personality, and values of the brand to its target audience.

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work process

Let’s Know Our Brand Design


Discovery and Research

The process begins with a thorough understanding of the client's business, industry, target audience, and competitive landscape. Designers conduct research to gather insights into the company's history, values, mission, and positioning within the market.

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  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
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Define Brand Strategy

Based on the research findings, designers work with clients to define the brand strategy, including its purpose, values, personality traits, and unique selling propositions (USPs). This stage involves establishing clear brand objectives and identifying the key messages that the brand should communicate to its audience.

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Concept Development

Designers brainstorm and develop multiple concepts or ideas for the brand identity, including the logo, color palette, typography, imagery, and other visual elements. These concepts are typically presented to the client for feedback and refinement.

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  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
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Design Exploration

Once a concept is selected, designers explore different design directions and visual styles to bring the brand identity to life. This may involve creating mood boards, sketches, and mock-ups to experiment with different design elements and compositions.

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  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
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Logo Design

The logo is a central component of the brand identity and serves as the visual representation of the brand. Designers create logo concepts that are distinctive, memorable, and reflective of the brand's personality and values. Clients may provide feedback and request revisions to fine-tune the logo design.

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  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
  • Let’s Business & Grow Together

Brand Identity System

In addition to the logo, designers develop a comprehensive brand identity system that includes guidelines for the use of colors, typography, imagery, and other visual elements across various touchpoints and applications. This ensures consistency and coherence in the brand's visual communication.

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  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
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Collateral Design

Designers create branded collateral materials such as business cards, letterheads, brochures, packaging, signage, and digital assets that reinforce the brand identity and create a cohesive brand experience across different channels and mediums.

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  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
  • Let’s Business & Grow Together

Brand Implementation

Once the brand identity is finalized, designers work with clients to implement the new branding across all relevant touchpoints, including print materials, digital platforms, signage, uniforms, and packaging. This may involve coordinating with printers, web developers, and other vendors to ensure that the brand is represented consistently and accurately.

  • Follow The Digital Trends & Lead
  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
  • Let’s Business & Grow Together

Launch and Rollout

The new brand identity is officially launched and rolled out to the public, often accompanied by marketing and promotional activities to generate awareness and excitement. Designers may also provide guidance and support to clients during the launch phase to ensure a smooth transition to the new brand.

  • Follow The Digital Trends & Lead
  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
  • Let’s Business & Grow Together

Brand Monitoring and Evolution

After the brand is launched, designers monitor its performance and gather feedback from stakeholders and customers. They may conduct brand audits and surveys to assess brand perception and identify opportunities for refinement or evolution as the company grows and evolves over time.

  • Follow The Digital Trends & Lead
  • The Biggest Brands Always Take Risks
  • Let’s Business & Grow Together

What people are saying!


I love your system. Agency is both attractive and highly adaptable. Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it. I am so pleased with this product.

Mark Agroiks
CEO, Agrok Inc.

I love your system. Agency is both attractive and highly adaptable. Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it. I am so pleased with this product.

Billu Gol
CEO, Agrok Inc.

I love your system. Agency is both attractive and highly adaptable. Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it. I am so pleased with this product.

Ani Jhon
CEO, Apce.co
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